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A salesman

Office furniture is a personal business- I’m a salesman, not an algorithm.

Late 2019 has become a pivotal time in all our lives globally, posing different challenges for different people.

With the internet firmly established in our daily lives it indeed enabled many of us in the business community to adapt with relative speed to this predicament. Communication and contact with friends and family turned into a life of online quizzes, drinks in, home food delivery and the inevitable 24-hour doom and gloom or, as we call it, the daily newsfeed.

The biggest thing I missed was human contact, whether within my social circle to chat and laugh or the ability to sit in front of a client or supplier and talk and laugh. The latter was purely professional.

In life, we are attracted or not by personalities. We are subconsciously always buying and selling. This could lead to the statement “we must be attracted to the seller” or “attractive to the buyer” providing we are in the market for the product or service being offered at that time.

With 30 years of experience in the London office furniture world, taking left and right turns many times without consciousness, I continue to find it interesting, rewarding, fun, frustrating and challenging. Whilst selling I have met great buyers and whilst buying, I have met great sellers. I have met many that are neither as well.

When I have my selling head-on, I want to offer knowledge, expertise and reliability with the emphasis on the quality of my service. We do not need to question or establish how we have obtained this but understand it is within our nature to offer what we desire within our lifestyle.

Honesty, integrity, and clarity are the pillars of my business. This leads to the attraction of like-minded clients and suppliers. With these simple values we develop long-term balanced, collaborative partnerships.

As I progress with the growth of my business, increasing the number of contacts, building partnership alliances and continually broadening my market awareness, I never cease to be pleasantly surprised at how likeable people generally are.

Our core beliefs:

PURPOSE: Supply creative office furniture solutions.

MISSION: Provide value for money results.

VALUE: Honest service focused on customer satisfaction

I sign-off this blog by suggesting salespeople should listen to their clients’ requirements carefully. Are the values of the salesperson aligned with those of the clients? Do your suppliers provide the correct solution respecting the core beliefs of your business? We deliver solutions respecting the values of our clients while staying true to our core beliefs.

Face to face sales experiences based on your values are enjoyable, it is fun meeting like-minded people and leads to a rewarding career in the varied world of a personal business.

Tell me about your experiences.